My shop is full of literary surprises: with a degree in Creative Writing and English I have some fantastic resources on creative writing, poetry and Literature Texts. I aim to offer resources on the less common texts and also cover a range of resources from the International GCSEs....welcome, come in and feel free to, don't buy, follow, don't follow....just don't spend every weekend kind to yourself!
My shop is full of literary surprises: with a degree in Creative Writing and English I have some fantastic resources on creative writing, poetry and Literature Texts. I aim to offer resources on the less common texts and also cover a range of resources from the International GCSEs....welcome, come in and feel free to, don't buy, follow, don't follow....just don't spend every weekend kind to yourself!
This resource includes a worksheet (8.1) as an introduction to this aspect of Literacy. The powerpoint is designed to follow on from the completion of the worksheet and serves to check the answers to the worksheet whilst also including further tasks to ensure learning is secure and can be applied independently. The powerpoint includes a self assessment task and a 'Show me the Maths' task plus an extension activity for more able students.
This worksheet and powerpoint forms part of a bigger scheme of work that focuses on literacy, reading and spellings through similarly challenging and engaging tasks. If your like the format of this resource please see my other resources for Years 7, 8 and 9 available as either termly booklets/powerpoints, yearly or whole key stage bundles.
If you leave a review for this resource and email me on to confirm your details I will give you a discount to use on one of my other resources.
This powerpoint is thorough, engaging and fully differentiated, overtly drawing on the mark scheme to ensure that students understand how to develop their responses and improve on their grades. The tasks are varied and traverse individual, paired and group tasks to ensure all students are supported. Visual imagery has been used throughout to aid comprehension. This powerpoint also includes slides on suitable comparison poems and how to structure a written comparison before concluding with a written task for completion in class for homework. This lesson is likely to take 3 hours teach and includes everything you would need to cover this poem. This is a FREE resource, the remaining 14 poems can be found in my TES shop at:
Examples of individual poems can be found here:
Or the entire collection can be be found here:
If you like this resource please leave a review and follow me on Twitter @jomarsh1 to find out when the comparison companion will be available, new resources marking services and sales.
This lesson builds essay skills in line with the exam requirements, peer assessment, guidance on themes, language, structure and motifs alongside consideration of the concept of a ‘home’ which works well as SMSC evidence. The tasks here are varied, some slides are informative, but generally students will learn through completing activities and then secure and demonstrate learning through mini assessment/plenary activities. This resource explains and challenges students to explore the idea of authorial morality in this text.
If you like this, you’ll love my other resources on Silas Marner:
This fun lesson teaches the accurate use of commas in lists and draws on a Geography based activity to evidence the students application of knowledge. The powerpoint is highly animated to aid engagement with what might otherwise be quite a dry subject.
If you like this resource see my other packages on Literacy at:
or contact me on Twitter at @jomarsh1 and I can make bespoke packages according to needs.
This resource includes 4 varied tasks to appeal to a full range and ability of learners on the topic of word classes and nouns. The resource concludes with a self assessment of how secure the learner’s knowledge is based on a final task. A separate resource is included for all teachers/supply/parents to use to help guide their students in the right direction with regard to answers and to offer a definitive right/wrong once complete. This is a perfect activity for completion during tutor time or at the beginning/end/challenge task for downtime as it can be picked up and put away.
This is the first of a series of literacy resources like this that I will be rolling out over the next few weeks, so if you like this, do follow me here or on Twitter @jomarsh1.
These resources offer a complete study of the poem through encouraging both student engagement and independence in different measures. This lesson, uses Jigsaw Activities and a highly effective Challenge Task, peer assessment, discussion points and sharing learning strategies. This lesson would work well if you are teaching both the Cambridge IGCSE specification or as an Unseen Poem from KS3 on. This collection of resources includes a thorough assessment and evidence of progression proforma, as such this would make an excellent observation lesson on poetry. This lesson closes with recommendations for a homework task and a further poem for study as an Unseen Poem.
As one of my most viewed resources I have decided to offer a FREE resource up to the same value with** every** purchase of this item, details of how to claim your FREE resource is included at the end of the powerpoint.
This resource draws on a range of teaching methods to nurture a love of literature in your students. This resource is all you need to teach Chapter 1 of this GCSE literature text. This resource covers a study of the characters and themes, through creative writing, non fiction reading, discussion, homework tasks, and a quiz and utilises discretely differentiated outcomes and targets that are in turn used to assess your students’ knowledge.
As a teacher, I wholly believe in learning by ‘doing’ and this lesson promotes that style of teaching, it is perfect for newly qualified teachers (who need a guide into teaching a novel) and for experienced teachers looking to save a little time on planning for that new text that’s now on your timetable. This resource is equally useful for students wanting to learn at home, with parents who are not so familiar with the text, activities easily translate to home study tasks or intervention activities. If you like this please do follow me so that you can keep up to date with more new resources that are currently being created.
This resource covers all of the poems and includes a wide range of questions to help refresh and round off learning, it has been designed to increase engagement with language, structure, form and the context of these poems. My own groups have found this resource immensely helpful in the final preparations for the exam this week. This is a perfect resource for very last minute revision, that odd lesson in which you’re not sure where the gaps might be, lunchtime catch ups, after school support, tutors, teachers, supply or parents wanting to help their students/children respectively.
This resource includes 3 separate exam style questions on Blood Brothers, all original questions, written with the higher challenge of the new (9-1) exams in mind. This also includes the Edexcel mark scheme. This resource is available as an individual resource or at a 50% discount as part of a bundle. This resource would be perfect for final revision lessons, use by parents to keep their children motivated over holidays, tutors and homeschooled learners alike. Follow me to see more along these lines over the next few weeks.
This is so much more than a quiz, it asks questions but also answers them in detail, using PEE paragraphs, full explanations and text references. The questions include challenges relating to language, structure and context and conclude with a 'big question' before offering guidance on how to respond to the question (which links to some of the prior questions) and essentially a homework task.
This powerpoint is heavily differentiated using images and bonus questions to support and stretch.
If a student has not 'got' this text, this powerpoint should go a long way to filling gaps. If you find this useful please do leave a review.
If interested in a marking service for the resulting essays please contact me on Twitter @jomarsh1 as this is also available, subject to demand.
Finally, my other resources on Macbeth can be found here:
This resource includes three differentiated poems with leading questions that traverse language, structure and literary devices. This has been created with the Holocaust Memorial Day (27th January) in mind, although it could be used as a supply activity, revision resource, or recap for Unseen Poetry to get students re-engaged with this part of their exams. This is also available as part of a Bundle with an Assembly and a Reading Paper in my shop.
This resource is a constructed question based on Inspector Calls and an extract from ‘The Glorious Heresies’ by Lisa McInerney in the style of the OCR exam paper. This is available as a single resource or as part of a package attracting generous discounts. If you would like a bespoke bundle please message me on Twitter @JoMarsh1 with details…
This resource is for use with the Edexcel (9-1) specification and includes a constructed exam paper in the style of the Edexcel paper 2 on non fiction. Two extracts, focusing on war experiences, have been used for this paper. This resource is available individually or as part of a bundle with a 50% discount. It is perfect for use by teachers, parents, students, homeschooled learners and tutors alike.
This resource comprises 4 diverse comparison questions on Edexcel’s Love and Relationships Poetry Collection (9-1). This is perfect for a quick lesson as the exams near, or for supply, tutors or parents to keep your children focused. A marking programme is available on application via my Twitter account @jomarsh1. This resource is available individually or as part of a bundle (at a discounted price) so do check out my shop for more of the same.
This set of 4 posters create a visually engaging display with highlighted language and structural devices, colour coded links to themes and images to support all types of learners in remembering some key quotations from this text as they approach the Closed Book exams. Available individually or as part of a bundle in my shop.
This lesson includes a range of activities to help students engage with the language and structure presented in this chapter. Activities are varied and include elements of debate, discussion, creative and written tasks to suit all learners. The lesson concludes with an extract from the Chapter with questions based on the 19th Century Fiction paper questions, but that also tease out some excellent quotations on the characters of Godfrey and Nancy.
More resources on Silas Marner in my TES shop, or follow me Twitter @jomarsh1 for new resources.
This resource is designed for teachers, parents, tutors or supply teachers for use with groups as they approach their final exams. This is a constructed paper in line with the OCR format using original articles and questions. This can be purchased as a single resource or as part of a bundle at a discount. If the bundles available are different from the texts you are teaching message me on Twitter @jomarsh1 and I can create a bespoke bundle for you. Happy Revision!!
This engaging and visually appealing revision aid includes contextual information, tasks, key quotations that link to the context and an engaging game to help reinforce students understanding of the background to Shakespeare's play. I have designed this to offer variety to revision sessions and to offer students an enjoyable way of refreshing their memories. This would be perfect for parents, students and supply teachers alike and would take at least one lesson to complete. If you like this, please do leave a review and see my other Macbeth revision resources in my shop. (Thank you!)
This activity uses 'Fallen Puzzles' to engage students in a High Order Revision Activity, which is fun and challenging, but due to the nature of the High Order will support longer term retention of these quotations in preparation for the exam. The activity is clearly explained and modelled and key quotations range from short to longer to suit all abilities. If you like this please do leave a review and I will make more for other texts.. (Thank you!)
This final lesson in this collection of resources asks students to consider the cyclical nature of some of the narrative strands, whilst also acknowledging the chronological order of Silas and Eppie's life together that breaks free from this structure. This lesson revisits the question of predetermined fate examined in earlier lessons and links back to the context against which this novel was written.
This resource is available as a single unit, as part of an entire text bundle or as part of a bespoke bundle on request via Twitter @jomarsh1.
If you like this resource please do follow me, as further revision resources are in the production process.